Re: Goodluck Jonathan’s tenure elongation gambit

July 28, 2013
1 min read
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan speaks to the media on the situation in Chibok and the success of the World Economic Forum in Abuja May 9, 2014. Jonathan said on Friday he believes 200 schoolgirls abducted by Islamist insurgents last month are still in his country and have not been moved to Cameroon. REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde (NIGERIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW BUSINESS)

LAST week, I drew attention to the elongation  agenda of Jonathan Goodluck’s tenure and the quid pro quo sop thrown at the Senate’s leadership, in the form of new states.

A debate has now commenced around these irresponsibly self-serving agendas. Nigerians must REJECT Jonathan’s tenure elongation bid just as we should never allow the absurdity of new states. It makes no sense when everybody is aware that the states we have now are not even viable. We should resist the blackmail that the Igbo are “short-changed” in the number of states in “their geo-political region”.

States have been historically created on the basis of the old Nigerian regions, not on an ethnic basis. So out of the old North, there are 19 states; the old West, six states; Mid-West two states and Eastern Nigeria nine states. States cannot be turned into confetti to be worn around the necks of our thieving political elite.

We should build democratic consensus and institute justice between the different ethnic communities within and among states and make democracy serve the Nigerian people, not an insatiably thieving elite, pushing ethno-regional agendas to further polarise our country!

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