In his opening remarks, the DG, stated that the workshop has been organised to ensure staff of the Commission are effective communicators of the DSO message.
He said the journey to switch over Nigeria has been a learning process with each challenge faced and surmounted. Stating that Jos and Abuja has helped Nigerians see the advantages of digital television.
He added that the combination of local, regional and national channel on the FreeTv bouquet helps Nigerians experience the cultures of the different parts of Nigeria. He also said the DSO will create more jobs in the digital ecosystem.
Nigeria, according to him, has become the hub of content in Africa which we are yet to fully explore. Adding that the digitization of broadcasting will further engage the youth and explore their creative abilities.
He said the major challenge of DSO has been funding for the transition process which in itself will be a huge revenue earner for Nigeria.
He urged staff to be attentive to effectively communicate this revolution to their communities.