June 28, 2017
2 mins read
Further to ensuring the success of the ongoing digital switch over in Nigeria, a delegation from Nigeria led by the Hon. Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, are in Quincy, Illinois, USA, on a facility tour of GatesAir, broadcast. The delegation also includes the Chairman House of Representatives Ad hoc Committee on DSO, Hon. Sunday Marshall Katung, the Director General of the National Broadcasting Commission, Mall. Isha’q Modibbo Kawu, Chairman Digiteam Nigeria, Engr Edward Amana, Chairman Pinnacle Communications, Sir Lucky Omoluwa and Former DG, NBC, Engr. Yomi Bolarinwa.
The CEO of GatesAir, Mr Phil Argyris welcoming the delegation, stated that GatesAir is committed to making the DSO project successful for the people of Nigeria. He gave a brief overview of the company which has been in existence for 95 years and actually started as a radio station in 1922. He said the company which has the largest transmitter factory in the world has been offering nearly a century of Over – the -Air – innovations. The company which was known as Harris, has been involved in digital transmission for a long time offering manufacturing, installation and after care services. GatesAir partnered with Pinnacle to deliver on the Abuja DSO and will also be completing that of Kaduna in a couple of weeks.
The Hon. Minister of Information and culture,Alhaji Lai Mohammed, affirmed that the presence of the delegation at GatesAir was a testimony of the Nigerian government’s commitment to the success of the DSO project which is irreversible as it is a global phenomenon. He described the DSO has a tripod comprising of technology, content and funding which must all work together to achieve success. The DSO is important to the Nigerian government more because it offers limitless potentials to remove over dependence on oil which has brought chaos and affected the economy of the country. “DSO is another avenue of creating jobs for our teeming talented youths, curing the menace of piracy and distribution of arts, promoting creativity in other areas of technology such as animation and new applications”. He added that DSO is a game changer because it is a talent driven sector and reinforced that with what he has seen at the factory, with equipment already on ground to be shipped to Nigeria, he has total confidence that there will be more roll out in more states of the six geo – political zones of the country. He concluded by thanking NBC, Pinnacle Communications, National Assembly and GatesAir for their commitment in ensuring the success of the DSO project in the country.
The Chairman House Committee on DSO, Hon. Sunday Marshall Katung , in his brief response, thanked GatesAir for the warm reception and stated that the National Assembly is committed to the success of the DSO in Nigeria and is thrilled by GatesAir singular objective and commitment of ensuring that success. He added that by what he has seen, he is confident that Pinnacle and GatesAir will deliver on the DSO project while emphasising the country’s interest for local content to train Nigerian engineers for after sales/onsite services of digital broadcast equipment.
The Director General of the National Broadcasting Commission, Mall. Isha’q Modibbo Kawu in his remarks dated his relationship with GatesAir to the 1990s as General Manager Kwara TV when they installed the transmitters and has no doubt about their capability and commitment to partner with Pinnacle to deliver on the DSO project in Nigeria. Furthermore, Mall. Kawu added that the DSO project is very dear to the present administration of President Muhammad Buhari because it opens huge opportunities for the talented youths of the country thereby creating job opportunities to engage them positively in building and promoting our great Country.
Sir Lucky Omoluwa, Chairman Pinnacle Communications, while thanking the delegation for the visit, reiterated Pinnacle Communication’s capability and commitment to deliver on the DSO project in Nigeria within the next couple of months in partnership with GatesAir and asked for the government’s trust and confidence.
Other members of the delegation include Mrs Veronica Adeyemo, Director, IT FMIC , Mr Segun Adeyemi and Mr Williams Adeleye, both Special Assistants to the Hon. Minister FMIC , Mr. Dipo Onifade, Mr Olusegun Yakubu, and Mr Bankole, all of Pinnacle Communications.
Highlights of the day include a video presentation of a good will message from the Senator representing Quincy at the Senate and a tour of the Historical town of Quincy Illinois.

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