Wole Soyinka should name Boko Haram sponsors

February 9, 2012
1 min read

LAST week, the Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka, revealed to a South African newspaper, an “original discovery” he made on Nigerian affairs, stating, that “both religious and political forces were driving the insurgency by the Islamist sect Boko Haram”.

Furthermore, the playwright added that “power-hungry politicians from Nigeria’s Muslim North are using indoctrinated young militants, drawn from the ranks of the poor unemployed and educated in Islamic schools, as foot soldiers in a battle over who should control the country”.

Soyinka continued: “Those who unleashed Boko Haram on the nation are politicians…Unfortunately one has to point to what section they come from, and that is the North. This minority is much focused, very powerful, very rich, they used to be in government, and they’ve accumulated billions….They are the ones who unleashed this monster on the nation.

They have articulated their conviction that it is their turn to rule Nigeria’. Well, Wole Soyinka has lived out a lifelong career in literature and can be pardoned if the substance of reality often merges into the fictional world of essays, plays and poetry! His bête noire has remained constant and that is Northern Nigeria and especially its Muslim component.

But if his convictions about the alleged sponsors of Boko Haram are as infallible as he has sounded, won’t the right thing be for the Nobel Laureate to assist the security services with a list of these sponsors?

The regime in power might even kill many birds with a stone: arrest and prosecute the sponsors and maybe, even collect from them the “billions” Wole Soyinka alleged “they’ve accumulated”! We are waiting for a dramatic entry from the Nobel Laureate on this matter!

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