Okwesilieze Nwodo’s Laughable Histrionics

August 4, 2010
1 min read

For empty platitudes and chest-beating boastfulness nobody can beat Okwesilieze Nwodo, the man SELECTED into chairmanship of PDP, by zoning, a few months ago, to clear the coast for Jonathan Goodluck. If he is not killing the “dead horse” of zoning, the man from Enugu is threatening to whittle the powers of governors to determine the fate of his puppeteer, Jonathan Goodluck. This week, Okwesilieze Nwodo is tilting against the windmills of party “Godfathers” and Ghana-must-go (G-M-G)” ferrying Governors. Okwesileze Nwodo has a record of bribe collection in a previous incarnation in public office; today, he is snarling against G-M-G: “In spite of my directives on my inaugural day that people should not bring “Ghana-must-go” bags to our office, they are still doing that”, shouted Okwesilieze at the top of a hoarse voice (the ‘poor man’ is shouting at the “temptation” which G-M-G represents!).

Okwesilieze then continues with burning anger, a heaving chest and fire-spitting annoyance: “Anyone who tries it again, I’ll disgrace him publicly”. If the “Godfathers”; porters of G-M-G and governors who visit “shiaman” Okwesilieze at home are unaware, Nwodo reminded all that “I took an oath in my church in Enugu before the blessed sacrament that a mustard seed must die for a new tree to grow. I offer my life, so that we can have great men to lead this country”. But the “Godfathers” and G-M-G porters do not believe “shiaman” Nwodo; they are whispering that he collected bribes in the past and can still eat hefty bribes even now! Others say that he does not want bribes conveyed in the bulky frame of G-M-G (it is too visible!); they are therefore thinking of sending emissaries to Nwodo to ask if they can bring the content of their G-M-Gs in foreign currency: easy to conceal with huge sums appearing lean! The mischievous ones also rejected Okwesilieze Nwodo’s “patriotic” histrionics; he is offering his life, they say, to ensure that ONLY Jonathan Goodluck eats the pie of presidency, and Jonathan isn’t a “great man”. They further whispered that his chest-beating hypocrisy sickens them. And they are all PDP people just like him!


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