TRIBUTES ANTHONY KOLA OLOTA: BOSS AND CONSUMATE BROADCAST PROFESSIONAL I’ve just seen the sad story of the passing of our dear Boss, Mr Anthony Kola Olota. In many ways, this is September 27, 2019
NBC SPEECHES TEXT OF PRESS CONFERENCE BY DIRECTOR GENERAL IS’HAQ MODIBBO KAWU, ON WEDNESDAY, 25TH SEPTEMBER, 2019 Dear Colleagues;It is my pleasure to welcome you to this press conference. This has been called to present to you the Second September 25, 2019
NBC SPEECHES OPENING REMARKS BY DIRECTOR GENERAL NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMMISSION, MALL. IS’HAQ MODIBBO KAWU AT THE TRAINING OF MONITORING OFFICERS, OWERRI, IMO STATE, ON 18TH SEPTEMBER, 2019. I welcome you all to this two-day training program taking place here in Owerri, Imo state. As you all know, this is September 18, 2019
ILORIN ILORIN: BETWEEN THE DICTATES OF CULTURE AND THE PULL OF ECONOMICS It was the famous scholar, Sheikh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory, who once wrote that the impact which Ilorin has made on the history September 1, 2019