Sir Lucky Omoluwa: Another garland  for the intrepid businessman

March 19, 2015
1 min read

LAST Thursday in New York City, USA, Sir Lucky Omoluwa, the CEO of Pinnacle Communications Limited, was invested as the first Nigerian member of the International Trustees of the World Council of Religions for Peace organization. This international organization prides itself with its slogan: Different Faiths, Common Action; it is dedicated to helping to stop wars; assists in building communities; works to end poverty and also has a green agenda, of helping to protect the earth.

The 35 person International Trustees has memberships from Kenya, Morocco, Japan, Australia, United States, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, India, Italy, Norway and United Kingdom, with Sir Lucky Omoluwa, becoming the first Nigerian member of this distinguished international body. Lucky Omoluwa, a devoted catholic, is a papal Knight.

I have written about Sir Lucky Omoluwa on this page, several times, and I feel happy that his devoted work as a socially-responsible businessman; a philanthropist and devoutly religious man, has received the deserved international recognition of membership of an organization, devoted to using the multiplicity of faiths to help heal our world. They couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate person as their first Nigerian International Trustee. This is because in his life, business practice as well as in religious devotion, Lucky Omoluwa exemplifies respect for diversity that the world must notice. He is from Delta state, but was born by a mother from Ebirra land, in Kogi state. Omoluwa grew up in Lagos, but made business success, living in Kaduna, the heart of Northern Nigeria.

He speaks many languages and has an extensive network of friends all over Nigeria and around the world. Because I have seen him in close quarters, and in the midst of people from different backgrounds, I have always wondered where he found the capacity to be as generous as he is. He is one successful businessman, who seems happiest, when he is able to assist other people to find success in their own endeavours too.

And in the realm of broadcast procurement that he works in, and which I know very intimately, as a broadcaster, he has done a lot to entrench very ethical business practices, which have made his company, a leader in the field. A naturally self-effacing man, nevertheless, those who are close to him attest to his rich sense of humour; incredible compassion and respect for the diversity associated with a multi religious and multi ethnic society, such as Nigeria.

His close friends call him many aliases: Chairman, Kabiyesi and Capo! He takes all in his strides without allowing the adulation, or his tremendous business success, to get to his head. Sir Lucky Omoluwa, intrepid businessman, philanthropist and devoted family man, congratulations on your investiture as a member of the International Trustees of the World Council of Religions for Peace organization.

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