November 14, 2023
1 min read

Barring any change of plan, the Nigerian labour congress (NLC) should be at the head of a national strike today, to force the hands of the administration of president Umar yar’adua, to institute a comprehensive probe of the eight-year rogue regime of Olusegun Obasanjo. By general consensus, Obasanjo ran the most venal, thieving regime in Nigeria’s history. Hiding behind an unconstitutional and dubious privatisation process, Obasanjo and his cronies transferred our national assets to themselves, not to mention bare-faced acts of brigandage, which various probe panels are beginning to unearth. Umar Yar’adua has no choice but to institute a thorough going clean up of the mess which his bandit mentor has left all over the place. If he is reluctant to do so, it is right for the NLC and other patriotic organisations to force his hands with the weapon of a strike. The catharsis we deserve for the eight years of locust, under the first truly criminal regime in Nigerian history is to recover our patrimony and work to get Obasanjo back to prison; he must not be allowed to enjoy a peaceful retirement. A nation-wide strike can only be the beginning of a process.

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