It Is Not Just A Game; Its Football’s World Cup

June 9, 2010
1 min read

Tomorrow the first World Cup ever to be hosted on the African continent starts in South Africa. Nigeria’s first game is on Saturday, against Argentina. It was a herculean task to get to the World Cup in the first place. The late President Umaru Yar’adua had to set up a Presidential Task Force to pave the path of our qualification. And as has become usual, the controversial NFF bungled the hotel accommodation for the Super Eagles, until the Sports Minister intervened; they similarly made a mess of the flight arrangement from the team’s camp in London and the minister again went to the rescue and last Sunday, the NFF put Nigeria to shame when there was a stampede at the Thembisa stadium which staged the friendly game with DPR Korea; yet the NFF did not take responsibility for the episode.

And while we are all waiting for the World Cup, the NFF chaps are scheming to hold elections to retain their positions even when they still have not resolved the issue of the hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen by the relation of the chief Mafiosi of Nigerian sports; and boy, there is so much money to steal in football, that return they must, as the Hausa say, “karfi da yaji!” Last Thursday, the FGN wrote a letter to the NFF to suspend action on elections to concentrate on the World Cup, but they refused; they want to be sure of coming back to continue the looting which goes on in our sports, but especially in football! After the World Cup, we must insist that a transparent account be given of the billions of naira  Nigeria has committed for the event. Good luck to the Super Eagles all the same.

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