May 19, 2005
1 min read

On Tuesday, 17 May 2005, the left-wing, anti-war member of the British Parliament, George Galloway was in Washington to face his accusers in the American Senate. Galloway, opponent of the illegal Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, had been accused of profiting from vouchers from the oil deals of the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein. The cowards of the neo-conservatives, in power in American had decided to target all who had opposed their crimes in Iraq, by pretending to stand on a legal and moral high ground to accuse whoever did not

acquiesce in their actions against the Iraqi people. George Galloway would not be intimidated, and for forty-five minutes on live television beamed around the world, he delivered a very sharp and telling riposte against the reactionary, pro-war, pro-Israel and criminal elements who sanctioned one of the most unjust wars ever fought, the American invasion and occupation of Iraq and the incredible plunder of its resources by the American transnational corporations. Now, that was an example of how to stand up to bullies

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